International Stylist, Geographer (BSc) and Student of Development Studies (MA)

Hairstyling is a perfect medium to get very close to each others social systems. This is why I decided to start an experiment of cultural exchange and develop a new way of hairdressing!


Next to my work as a hairdresser and Make-up Artist I studied at the University of Vienna. Geography and Development Studies are my subjects and Cut Around The World is about joining all my interests within this project.


As a hairdresser you work really close with people - they tell you about their problems, belongings, wishes, stories - you start to take part on their social life. Cut Around The World leaves the room of hairdressing to show up that this handcraft can be done on every place on earth, in different situation with every person... It's about opening our hearts and minds for the spirit of charity but also to locate stereotypes in our society.


Leaving all cultural borders behind and get close with people to expand your way of thinking, your way of living, your way of being. With my project I try to open the spaces for dialogs aside from official media and daily news - find out what you want to know, directly.

have your heart open to the world's possibilities

Cut Around the World is also about showing and learning different styles & technics from every hairdresser who wanna participate at this kind of social activism and alternative way of exchange.

Cut Around the World always is in need to be supported by people. It's not working without others. That's why I am looking for clients, hairdressers, musicians or photographers who wanna join the cutting-sessions. This is hairstyling in exchange for life's basic necessities. So, the way of payment is based on individual way of giving. Cut Around the World is offering the haircut, and you can share what feel free to give. And this has not to be related to money.


Cut Around the World is an experiment to spread the idea of freedom without the pressure of any capitalistic surroundings.


cut around the world - in scientific research

Since 2016 I work on my Master Degree in Development Studies.

I am going to put all my work and experiences of Cut Around The World into scientific research. It's about the way how a Pop-Up- Styling Salon is facilitating a space of encounter and dialogue in a public urban area.

In this case I have a lot of support of Vera Brandner and my friends from Ipsum.

In cooperation with my friends and artists of StudioOne I do experiments, fotoshootings, performances,...

But the exchange with friends and clients is always welcome - I am very thankful for feedback, input and inspiration.


Cut Around The World is growing with you!